
PfG GmbH
Tecklenburger Str. 161
48477 Hörstel



Cornelius Everke


Cornelius Everke

Copyright and trademark information:

All statements and information contained on the PfG GmbH Internet site have been carefully researched and checked. This information is a service of PfG GmbH and does not replace a personal consultation with PfG GmbH or its partners. Neither PfG GmbH, nor third party suppliers can be held liable for validity, completeness, and currency of the information.

All information serves exclusively for the information of visitors to the PfG online offering. Other than that, liability is limited to intent and gross negligence. The respective suppliers bear the responsibility for the Internet sites of third parties referenced through hyperlink by PfG GmbH. PfG GmbH is not responsible for the content of such third party web sites.

We would like to expressly emphasize that we have no influence on the form and content of any linked sites. Consequently we expressly distance ourselves from all content of all sites linked on our web site and declare that their content is not ours. This declaration applies to all links presented on our website, and to all content of the pages to which banners and graphics on our site lead.

In addition, the web site of the PfG GmbH can become linked from other sites via Hyperlink without the knowledge of PfG GmbH. PfG GmbH assumes no responsibility for content, representation, or any kind of connection to PfG GmbH in the web sites of third parties.

In addition, PfG GmbH reserves the right to make changes or extensions to the provided information. No legal claims may be derived from the topic areas described in this documentation.

Content and structure of the PfG GmbH web pages are copyright protected. The duplication of content or data, particularly the use of texts, text parts or graphic material, requires the express prior permission of PfG GmbH. The content may neither be wholly nor partially duplicated and/or published without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

The company permits the transfer of texts in data repositories that are exclusively intended for the private utilisation of a user. The transfer and use of data for other purposes requires the written permission of PfG GmbH.

Data Protection Officer
According to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) a Data Protection Officer is appointed by PfG, who reports directly to the executive management. You can reach the PfG Data Protection Officer by sending an email to datenschutzbeauftragter(at)