Collection: Privacy


Report on the treatment of personal data in compliance with art.13 of Leg. Dec. No. 196, dated 30/06/2003

This document is to inform those using and visiting website on the modalities that PfG GmbH will adopt for the treatment of personal data in compliance with Leg. Dec. No. 196, dated 30/06/2003, regarding data collected through website and for no other websites that could be recalled through any links available within the website itself.

The personal data are treated in hard-copy form and/or by means of automated applications and can be transmitted to Companies for data loading; all this, in order to have statistical-type researches and/or promotional initiatives as the final objective, also trough the sending of e-mails and news letters.

Personal data will not be divulged or transmitted to unlinked third parties.
It is to be emphasised that personal and identification data supplied will be used for the sole purpose of providing the requested and offered services, excepting where the communication is imposed by legislative obligations or necessarily connected with the fulfilment of requests.
Specific security measures are observed in order to prevent loss of data, illegal or improper usage and unauthorised accesses.

Within PfG GmbH the data will be dealt with only by those specifically entrusted with their treatment.
The data controller of the data treated, according to the use of this site, and every other data element deployed in providing our services through Internet is:
PfG GmbH

Tecklenburger Str. 161 - 48469 Hörstel Germany

furthermore it is possible for persons entrusted with the carrying out of site maintenance operations to be occasionally assigned to these.

At any time and pursuant to art. 7 of Leg. Dec No. 196/2003, those to whom the personal data refers can exercise their right to obtain from PfG GmbH confirmation on whether or not the data itself exists, obtaining information on their content and origin, verifying their correctness and requesting eventual integration, updating, rectification, cancellation, anonymously transforming same, as well as blocking them if these have been treated in violation of the legal provisions in force.

Article 7 (Right of access to personal data and other rights)

The interested party is entitled to obtain confirmation on whether personal data concerning him/her exist or not, even if not yet recorded, and to obtain communication of such data in intelligible form.
The interested party is entitled to obtain information on the following:
a) origin of personal data;
b) purpose and modalities of their treatment
c) logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the help of electronic equipment;
d) particulars for the identification of the holder, the persons responsible for the treatment and the designated representative, in compliance with article 5, clause2;
e) the persons or categories of persons to whom the personal data can be divulged, or that can gain knowledge of them in their position as designated representatives in the State territory, or as persons responsible for, or entrusted with them.

The interested party is entitled to obtain the following:
a) updating, rectification or, should this be of interest to him, integration of the data;
b) cancellation, anonymous transformation or blocking of data treated in violation of the law, including those for which storage is unnecessary considering the purposes for which the data collection or subsequent treatment was made;
c) a statement confirming that notification was made of the operations specified at letters a) and b) as well as of their content, of those to whom the data elements were communicated or divulged, excepting where said fulfilment could prove to be impossible or would imply the use of means clearly disproportionate to the protected right.

The interested party is entitled to totally or partially oppose:
a) for legitimate reasons, the treatment of personal data that concern him, even though pertinent to the purpose for which they were collected;
b) the treatment of personal data that concern him, for purposes regarding the forwarding of advertising or direct sales material, or for the running of market research or commercial communications.

All relative requests must be sent to:
PfG GmbH
Tecklenburger Str. 161 - 48469 Hörstel Germany